Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Film Black Widow (2021)


Black Widow

In 1995, Russian undercover agents, super-soldier Alexei Shostakov and Black Widow Melina Vostokoff pose as a normal family in Ohio, along with their surrogate daughters Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova. When the mission to steal S.H.I.E.L.D. intel is complete, the family escapes to rendezvous with their boss Dreykov, who has Romanoff and Belova put through the Red Room for training. Years pass and Romanoff defects to S.H.I.E.L.D., believing Dreykov to be dead after bombing his offices, killing his daughter Antonia in the process.

In 2016, Romanoff is a fugitive for violating the Sokovia Accords. She escapes from U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross and flees to a safehouse in Norway. Meanwhile, Belova kills a rogue former Black Widow, only to come in contact with a substance called Red Dust that removes her from the Red Room's mind control. She sends the antidote to Romanoff hoping she will return to help Belova free the other Widows. When Romanoff unknowingly drives off with the antidote, she is attacked by Taskmaster, who is after the Red Dust. Romanoff manages to evade Taskmaster and learns that the Dust came from Belova. The two reunite in Budapest but are then attacked by Black Widows. Romanoff learns Dreykov is still alive and the Red Room is still active. Romanoff and Belova evade the Widows and Taskmaster before meeting Rick Mason, who supplies them with a helicopter.

Romanoff and Belova break Shostakov out of prison to learn Dreykov's location. He tells them to speak with Vostokoff, who lives on a farm in Russia, where she developed the mind control process used on the Widows. There, Belova reveals that while they were not a real family, she believed they were so. Vostokoff gives away their location to Dreykov, whose agents arrive and take them to the Red Room, an aerial base. As Dreykov congratulates Vostokoff, he realizes that Vostokoff and Romanoff used face mask technology to switch places before being captured. Romanoff learns Taskmaster is Antonia, who suffered damage so severe that Dreykov had to put a chip in her head, turning her into the perfect soldier. Romanoff discovers she cannot harm Dreykov due to a pheromone lock he has installed in every Widow and that he controls Widows worldwide via his desk console. Romanoff intentionally breaks her nose, severing a nerve in her nasal passage to negate the pheromone and then attacks Dreykov. Vostokoff attempts to take out the ship's engine while Shostakov battles Antonia and Belova searches for the other Widows, who are sent to protect Dreykov.

Dreykov escapes as the Widows attack Romanoff, but Belova creates a Red Dust bomb that releases the Widows from mind control. Romanoff gets into the control desk and copies the locations of the other Widows worldwide just as the ship begins to explode and fall. Before leaving the control room, she picks up the two surviving vials of Red Dust. Vostokoff and Shostakov escape via a plane just as Belova takes out Dreykov's escape ship, killing him. Romanoff gives Belova a parachute before battling Antonia through the sky. After landing, Romanoff uses a vial of Red Dust on Antonia, freeing her from servitude. The freed Widows arrive as Belova, Vostokoff, and Shostakov say goodbye to Romanoff. She gives Belova the last Red Dust vial and the portable drive, telling her to find and free the other, still mind-controlled, Widows. As they leave with Antonia, Romanoff awaits Ross and his men. Two weeks later, Romanoff reunites with Mason, who supplies her with a quinjet. She leaves, intending to free the detained Avengers on the Raft.

In a post-credits scene set after Romanoff's death, Belova encounters Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine at Romanoff's grave and receives her next assignment: take down Clint Barton, the man "responsible" for Romanoff's death.

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