Thursday, August 19, 2021

My Vacation Preference


hye guyss.. so.. kali nie i nak citer pasal my preference bila i travel .

How long of a consecutive time have you spent in a car? ~!!

hurm... lately i seldom drive.. but sometimes i do drive for around 2-3 hours direct in Kuala Lumpur just to go for a drive and searching for place to have meals. If long distance, i guest around 3 - 4 hours drive.. its normally happen when i have to drive to go back to hometown in Malacca during festive season. the jammed urghh~!! .. 

if i just being a passenger, the longgest road trip that i have travel is from Kuala Lumpur to Besut, Terengganu i feel like it takes the whole night for us just to reach there. .. but normally i just sleep whenever i feel tired of waiting to be arrive but for trip to Besut, im awake half or our journey. .. heee.


What is the weirdest things that you have ever eaten on vacation?

i dont think ive eaten something that weird things since im a bit picky on what i want to eat. But the weirdest thing i have tried so far is Corn In Cup with Cheese in Jakarta. it might be doesnt seem weird to anyone, but it does taste weird to me. might be  just cant adjust with the taste with what im familiar with in Malaysia. i guess. 

What is you favourite activity on vacation?

During vacation, i do enjoy all what i can do there. The one i look into during my vacation is foodhunting journey, something great dish that i could taste there. 

Other than that, i love to enjoy their amusement parks activities, just imagine playing thrilling roller coaster beside your love one. haha.. it seems romantic to me. also i love chillex activities such as chilling having nice breakfast while looking to the nice view or having a cola while looking at sunset. haha. 

How did you end you picking up this spot as your vacation??

Since most of my trips are with my family, so normally it been decided by mom or dad. Depends on the budgets and the flight availability during the date choosen. If i have choice to picking up spot for vacation, i would considering about what kind of activities that i could do there, attractive places and food.


What is your best meal ever you had on vacation?

I enjoy seafood very much.. So the best meal ever i had on vacation is seafood in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The price is affordable and nice taste and the choice is vary. Other than this, i love South Korean dish when i visit Seoul last time. 


What is your worst travel experience?

the worst experience of my travel is my trip to Beijing. It is not because of the place is worst or anything. Just that i catch a cold and have fever during my trip. so im not enjoying the trip at all. I think you could imagine how thats feel.


Which is the best vacation you ever have?

One of the best vacation i ever have is my trip to Gold Coast, Australia. As i said before, i love doing an exciting activities such as go to amusement parks. Well, Gold Coast cater one of the best and my favourite amusement parks of all my vacation so far. So, yeah.. i choose Gold Coast.


Only choose one vacation where you would pick and why?

if i have to choose one vacation , i would like to choose to go to Mecca and Madinah to perform Umrah or Hajj. I think it may be because Im Muslim and Mecca and Madinah is kind of holy places for Muslims. Other than that reason, im not so sure but my hearts really want to go there.


If money were no object, where would you like to go on vacation?

Europe trip perhaps. Considering it as one of expensive trip, i would like to go for Europe trip and enjoy the view also learning about the historic about the Islamic civilization that still appears there. Maybe i could say im inspire through one of Indonesian's Movie "99 Cahaya di Langit Eropah".

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