Thursday, September 9, 2021

Symptom & Cause of Broken Heart Syndrome


 Broken Heart Syndrome
Causes & Symptoms -

Causes of Broken Heart Syndrome

 The exact cause of broken heart syndrome is not fully understood. When you react to a physical or emotional stress, your body releases stress hormones in your blood like adrenalin, noradrenalin, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Experts think that these hormones temporarily interfere with your heart’s function.

 Broken heart syndrome: 
  • Disrupts your heart’s normal, steady rhythm (pattern of heartbeats). 
  • Causes part of your heart to temporarily enlarge (the lower part of your left ventricle). 
  • Leads to even more forceful contractions in other areas of your heart. 
These changes cause temporary heart muscle failure. 

Symptoms of Broken Heart Syndrome

You may feel symptoms within minutes up to hours after the stressful event. In broken heart syndrome, the release of stress hormones temporarily stuns your heart muscle, producing symptoms similar to a typical heart attack. 
Signs and symptoms of broken heart syndrome include: 
  • Sudden, severe chest pain (angina) – a main symptom. 
  • Shortness of breath – a main symptom. 
  • Weakening of the left ventricle of your heart – a main sign.
  •  Fluid in your lungs. 
  • Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). 
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension). 
A small percentage of patients diagnosed with broken heart syndrome can’t identify any stresses that may have triggered their episode. 

The Complication of Broken Heart Syndrome

  Complications are rare, but those that have been reported include: 
  •  Rupture of the left ventricle (free wall) of the heart. 
  • Blockage of the blood flow from the left ventricle. 
  • Heart failure (your heart can’t pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs). 
  • Blood clot in the wall of the left ventricle. 
  • Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
  •  Cardiogenic shock. 
  • Complete atrioventricular block. 
  • Death.

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