Wednesday, February 9, 2022

[Drama] Suri Hati Mr Pilot (2016)


Suri Hati Mr Pilot 

Tells the story of a meeting between Ejaz (Fattah Amin), Mr. Pilot and Warda (Neelofa) to reopen the worksheet story two years ago. The events that led to Warda family thrown on his own stupidity that is so obsessed with Muslim love. The shakes were present for Ejaz frantic life and self Warda. Ejaz pushed jealous with the presence of Daniel Sein who also keeps a special feeling in Warda. Finally he refused to marry Warda. Marriage built beginning to raise seed of love in their hearts. However tika happy to be on top, again demanding Muslim love. Inara start making plans. Ejaz start hunted suspicious. Fractured relationships among sides finally collapsed when a misfortune befell Ejaz and snatching away all the dreams and his love for Warda and aviation.

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