Thursday, June 9, 2022

Berbaloi ke

 kadang ada yang tanya.. what shud we do if this happen..

what shud we do if conflicts happen.

what if partner yang kita dapat tu begini beginj begini (negatif) tp begitu begitu begitu (positif)

if me.. i would ask myself.. 

berbaloi ke if i do this..?

is it worth it if i fight for this.. i tahan for this.. sakit for this..

coz u know yourself.. how far u can telan, sabar n terima.

how far u can be positively accept it all.

is that worth my time for me to risk my emotions again?

is that worth my time for me to think about?

is he worth for me?


timbang tara semua bende.. 

is it worth it?

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