Monday, January 9, 2023

January Week 1


January Week 1 
(01  Jan - 08 Jan 2023) 

finish 1 online course
- walk total 10 km 
- read 1 book   (novel Qalif : Watak Cinta Terindah ) 
- finish 1 drama / movie ( Kdrama Reborn Rich) 
- 1 photoshoot 
- exercise 3 hours 
- meet people   done (01/01/2023) 

from apa yang i boleh simpulkan for first week ni... 
kemalasan nak exercise... 
hahahha.. bila ada masa tuu.. keje nak melepet and tido.. 
and mood i pon x stabil..
suka nak bergelap... suka duduk sensorang.. 
kebetulan task jumpa orang tu settle on the first day.. 
so.. the mean time.. i malas nak keluar jadinyaaa . 

kerap bertangguh kerja or task.. 
even ada 2 hari tu i lost function gila.. 
keje nak melepettt je seharian masa tuu.. 

hope to see better me on the 2nd week ni.. 

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