Tuesday, January 2, 2024

[Review] Aik Cheong Chocolate

 hello sayangsss

just nk share satu product ni..

and i think i found my favourite one.. 

and.. taraaaaaaa 

cik purple memang tak minum kopi.
so.. cik purple memang dont really care about kopi kopi ni..
but.. i do love tea and chocolate drink. 

dah beberapa jenama yang cik purple try..
but.. this one currently being my favourite and top of the list. 
aik cheong chocolate drink
bukan la nak hype kan dia sebab this one tengah on fire right now kann.
tapi.. memang jujur .. ikhlas dari hati memang shooo shedapp.
3 in 1 satchet..
tak boleh lawan cadbury.. milo yang jenis instant tuu.
tak boleh yeee.. 

rasa chocolate dia lebih pekat..
lebih creamy.. 
and opkosss.. sedap. 

if u a chocolate lover drink... u may need to try this.
sumpahhhh... x menyesal. 

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