holla guyss... waszup waszup..
sempena hari raya..
so.. kali ni Cik Purple nak share satu product ni..
yang Cik Purple guna masa raya
to look presentable..
Chriszen Match Matte Serum Foundation

rasanya product jenama Chriszen ni tak payah kot Cik Purple nak bahas.
sebab nama dia memang agak terkenal lama dahh..
now... just nak share review product ni pada Cik Purple.
Cik Purple beli this foundation masa expo My Beauty Cosmetics baru baru ni..
kebetulan memang nak cari foundation..
since foundation yang selalu cik purple guna nak pi kerja dah habis..
so.. look around.. and i found this ~!!
kenapa beli??
sebab masa tu tengah offer.. RM 15 sebotol..
kita grab laaaa.. kan kan.
so masa raya hari tu kita cuba laaaa this foundation..
and i would say.. i lovin it so much..
foundation dia agak ringan...
senang nak blend..
dia macam tak berapa rasa macam pakai foundation.
coverage medium.. but buildable..
yess.. pakai ni muka x berkilat.. tak glowy sangat..
sebab dia ade teknologi matte finishing..
and stay kat mukaa..
tak senang comot..
ni for me.. memang good choice that ive make.
and gonna be my favourite foundation la lepas ni..
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