Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Film: Harry Potter & Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)



Harry Potter & Prisoner of Azkaban

Shortly after the end of his second year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter spends another dissatisfying summer with the Dursleys. On his thirteenth birthday, Vernon's sister Marge arrives for a visit, during which she viciously insults Harry and his parents, angering Harry, who causes her to inflate and float away. Expecting to be expelled for using magic outside of Hogwarts, Harry flees the Dursleys with his belongings. 

 The Knight Bus arrives and takes Harry to the Leaky Cauldron, where Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge pardons Harry and tells him that he will not be expelled. After reuniting with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry learns that Sirius Black, a convicted supporter of Lord Voldemort, has escaped Azkaban Prison and intends to kill him. During the journey back to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express, the train abruptly stops in order to let aboard Dementors, ghostly prison guards that are searching for Black. One of them enters Harry's compartment, causing him to faint, but new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Remus Lupin uses a Patronus Charm to repel it. At Hogwarts, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore informs the students that Dementors will be patrolling the school until Black is captured. 

 Rubeus Hagrid is appointed as the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher, but his first class goes awry when Draco Malfoy deliberately provokes the Hippogriff Buckbeak into attacking him. When Draco exaggerates his injury, his father Lucius has Buckbeak sentenced to death. Returning to Gryffindor Tower, the students find the Fat Lady's portrait empty and attacked. Terrified and hiding in another painting, the Fat Lady warns Dumbledore that Black has entered the castle. During a stormy Quidditch match, several Dementors approach Harry, causing him to fall off his broomstick. Harry learns his broomstick was destroyed by the Whomping Willow and decides to learn how to fight off the Dementors. Harry is caught attempting to sneak into Hogsmeade by Fred and George, who give him The Marauder's Map. 

 Using the map, Harry sneaks into Hogsmeade and learns that Black is his godfather and divulged the Potters' whereabouts to Voldemort, also murdering their mutual friend Peter Pettigrew. After the holidays, Lupin privately teaches Harry how to conjure a Patronus Charm, a shield or force that can repel a Dementor. After Divination class, Professor Trelawney enters into a trance in Harry's presence and predicts the Dark Lord will return. While witnessing Buckbeak's execution, Ron's pet rat Scabbers bites him and escapes. When Ron gives chase, a large black dog drags him and Scabbers into a hole at the base of the Whomping Willow. This leads the trio to an underground passage called the Shrieking Shack, where the dog is revealed to be Black, an Animagus that can willingly transform himself into an animal and back. 

 Lupin arrives and embraces Black as an old friend before revealing himself to be a werewolf. After Snape arrives to apprehend Black, Harry uses a Disarming spell to knock him out before Lupin and Black reveal that Scabbers is actually Pettigrew in his Animagus form. The two explain that Black is innocent, having been falsely accused, and that Pettigrew is the actual culprit of the crimes Black was convicted of. After turning Pettigrew back into his human form, the group heads back to the castle, but the full moon causes Lupin to transform and allows Pettigrew to escape. As Lupin and Black fight in their animal forms, Dementors attack the latter and Harry, but an unseen figure casts a Patronus to scare the Dementors away. Harry falls unconscious before awakening in the infirmary beside Dumbledore and Hermione. 

 Learning that Black has been captured and sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss, Harry and Hermione act on Dumbledore's advice and use a Time-Turner, which Hermione has been using to attend several classes at once, to go three hours back in time. The two see themselves reliving the night's events, during which they set Buckbeak free from execution. After spotting the other Harry and Black being attacked by Dementors, Harry rescues them using a Patronus charm and realizes he was the unseen figure who had earlier rescued them from the Dementors. The two fly to the tower where Black is imprisoned and rescue him using Buckbeak. Without proof of his innocence, Black realizes he is still a fugitive and drops off Harry and Hermione before flying away on Buckbeak. Harry and Hermione make it back in time to the infirmary. 

 Exposed as a werewolf, Lupin resigns from teaching to prevent an uproar from parents and returns The Marauder's Map to Harry. Black sends Harry a Firebolt Broomstick, which he happily takes on a ride.

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