kalau check my previous update..
Cik Purple ada kongsi yang Cik Purple pergi Date Malam Merdeka kat FOWL BOYS..
dengan Mr Polar Bear..
for this time.. kita pergi cawangan Fowl Boys kat SS15..
and this is my first time ever nak cuba makanan kat Fowl Boys..
kata Mr Polar.. kedai ni femes..
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pon pernah makan kat sini..
since Cik Purple xbape heran sangat.. kita main angguk angguk je (sorry Mr Polar)
and this is what we order..
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Triple Choc Milk Shake... kalau perasan yang kat belakang tu ade Vanilla Strawberry Milkshake |
Milk shake ~!!!
this is one of the BIG reason why i eksaited nak pergi sini.
coz dah lama craving nak milkshake... susah taww nak cari the decent milkshake sekarang..
thank Mr Polar.. u tau je kita tengah crave for milkshake. errmm.. ni yang buat makin sayang ni.. uhukss..
I order Triple Choc Milkshake while Mr Polar order Vanilla Strawberry milkshake.
and memang tu jeee flavour yang ada for milkshake..
Triple Choc Milkshake ni.. fav..
rasa thick milkshake with good flavor of choc memang heaven laaa for me..
puassssssssssssss minumm..
and with choc chip.. memang sedapp.
Vanilla Strawberry ni pulak. xtau nak comment ape.
sebab x rasa.. since i dont favor strawberry..
tapi dengar Mr Polar kata sedap... korang kena try la kot..
apa yang i nampak.. its a vanilla milkshake with strawberry syrup.
since i bukan la terlalu lapar.. and look for a simple yang light meal je..
memula tanyaaa if there are waffle with fries ke..
Mr Polar insist suruh order waffle with chicken diorang..
tapi sebab i xnak makan ayam (rasa heavy)..
cashier tu suggest amik waffle biasa je.. and i agree for that..
this one.. rasanya harga RM 10
masa makanan ni sampai..
Mr Polar tengok Cik Purple pelik,,
mana taknyee.. yang datang waffle kosong..
dia kata "bukan order waffle with chicken keee tadi?"
hehehehe.. but anyhow dia ok je..
and waffle ni memang tebal uolsss..
sedap.. but tebal... with butter & maple syrup..
for me.. makan 2 ketul waffle ni je pon dah kenyang..
hahaha.. sorry Mr Polar.
yang burger ni i xtahu pulak nama dia ape..
Mr Polar yang order..
but burger ni ada ayam with jalapeno.
Mr Polar amik yang mild kepedasan dia.
this one i say you.. pedasssss..
i could see the struggle Mr Polar cuba nak habiskan his burger..
jangan ditanyaaaaa how he looks..
but nampak laa dia tahan pedas tu..
with end of perut ada war kata Mr Polar..
Buffolo Tenders.
memula Mr Polar nak order chicken tenders..
but tak ada.. and this is new in their menu..
so.. Mr Polar decide to take this also..
masa makan bende ni... Mr polar pon dah warning.. pedas..
but sebab Cik Purple curious.. kita try la juga sikit..
hahahhaa.. pedasssss oii..
but we did not perah the lemon. and dip in the sauce..
rasa pedas dia menyengat lidah.. and after taste dia sengat tekak.
2nd attempt.. i cicah the dipping sauce.. (tak pasti lak sos ape)
Mr Polar cakap its a tartar sauce.. but not so sure bout it la..
bila dip dalam sos... ade tutup sikit rasa pedas..
tapi tak pon... bila kne sos pedas dia.. tetap pedass.
akhir kata...
bab harga... still okey but agak pricey sikit.
bab rasa... milkshake dia terbaikkk
cuma sos marinate ayam tu pedasss gila..
to come again... mebi not kot..
but for milkshake.. i would love to come again.
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