Thursday, July 15, 2021

Tips: Good Copywriting (Part 3)


Tips of Good Copywriting 

- eliminate weasel words -

 Weasel words take away from the story. They're vague. Boring. 
 If you’re going to use adjectives -- use descriptive adjectives. 
 NOT interpretive adjectives. 

For ex: 
 Interpretive - We went on a long boat ride. 
 Descriptive - We went on a 5-hour boat ride. 

 The first sentence makes the reader guess how “long” the boat ride was. The second sentence tells them how long. No need to guess.

in other words, be more specific. be more details. kebanyakan customer kita bila membaca, dia lebih tertarik pada data yang kita berikan. bukannya bila membaca mendatangkan lebih banyak tanda tanya.  

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