its been a while tak menulis update diri..
i think post ni macam simple post je kot..
dalam seminggu ni.. ade yang call.. offer kerja.
and kalau boleh nak cepat i masuk..
position okey..
gaji... not bad.. tapi turun sikit dari yang sekarang.
cuma kejauhannnnnnn ..
now kerja dari rumah.. tapi i dah tepu sangat sangat kerja kat rumah
ni kerja kena keluar.. tapi... huishh.. kejauhan pulak.
but still in KL juga.
tengok laaa...
akan ku jawab dalam 2-3 hari ni.. insyaallah..
semoga Allah permudahkan jalan yang baik baik untuk aku..
In the Eastern European country of Sokovia, the Avengers—Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton—raid a Hydra facility commanded by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who has experimented on humans using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. They meet two of Strucker's test subjects—twins Pietro (who has superhuman speed) and Wanda Maximoff (who has telepathic and telekinetic abilities)—and apprehend Strucker, while Stark retrieves Loki's scepter.
Stark and Banner discover an artificial intelligence within the scepter's gem, and secretly decide to use it to complete Stark's "Ultron" global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron, believing he must eradicate humanity to save Earth, eliminates Stark's A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. and attacks the Avengers at their headquarters. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron uses the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. Having killed Strucker, he recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his company's weapons, and goes to the base of arms dealer Ulysses Klaue in Johannesburg to get vibranium. The Avengers attack Ultron and the Maximoffs, but Wanda subdues them with haunting visions, causing Banner to turn into the Hulk and rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor.
The Avengers fight among themselves when Stark and Banner secretly upload J.A.R.V.I.S.—who is still working after hiding from Ultron inside the Internet—into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, based on his vision that the gem on its brow is the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in existence. This "Vision" earns their trust by being worthy of lifting Thor's hammer, Mjölnir. Vision and the Maximoffs go with the Avengers to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift a large part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. Banner rescues Romanoff, who awakens the Hulk for the battle.
The Avengers fight Ultron's army while Fury arrives in a Helicarrier with Maria Hill, James Rhodes, and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to evacuate civilians. Pietro dies when he shields Barton from gunfire, and a vengeful Wanda abandons her post to destroy Ultron's primary body, which allows one of his drones to activate the machine. The city plummets, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and shatter the landmass. In the aftermath, the Hulk, unwilling to endanger Romanoff by being with her, departs in a Quinjet, while Vision confronts and destroys Ultron's last remaining body.
Later, with the Avengers having established a new base run by Fury, Hill, Cho, and Selvig, Thor returns to Asgard to learn more about the forces he suspects have manipulated major events. As Stark leaves and Barton retires, Rogers and Romanoff prepare to train new Avengers: Rhodes, Vision, Sam Wilson, and Wanda.
Bahan tumis:
Bahan lain:
Nabi Zulkifli, anak Nabi Ayub a.s. Nama sebenarnya Basyar bin Ayub AS bin Amose bin Tarekh bin Rum bin Ish bin Ish bin Ishaq AS bin Ibrahim AS, tetapi diberi gelaran Zulkifli kerana beliau seorang saja yang tampil untuk menyatakan kesanggupan melaksanakan amanah raja di negerinya itu.
"Ismail, Idris dan Zulkifli adalah orang yang sabar dan Kami beri rahmat kepada semua kerana mereka orang yang suka bersabar."
"Ya Allah, aku menyampaikan risalah Tuhan kepada mereka, menyuruh mereka berperang, tetapi mereka mempunyai permintaan. Sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui permintaan mereka."Tidak lama selepas itu, Allah menurunkan wahyu:
"Wahai Zulkifli, Aku (Allah) telah mengetahui permintaan mereka dan Aku mendengar doamu. Semuanya Aku akan kabulkan."
"Dan ingatlah akan Ismail, Nabi Ilyasa' a.s. dan Zulkifli. Semuanya orang yang paling baik."
banyak sebenarnya event event yang berlaku sepanjang tahun 2022
tapi sebab kena pilih top 3...
i think... dalam banyak banyak.. yang ni yang paling berkesan dalam diri Cik Purple.
1. Misi Bantuan Banjir
alhamdulillah... tahun 2022, Cik Purple berkesempatan untuk turun padang dalam misi kemanusiaan . and kali nie kita pergi kat ceruk pendalaman sikit tuk beri bantuan. Team bawa Cik Purple ke bahagian Temerloh, Pahang. And kali ni, memang turun direct ke akar umbi.. jumpa langsung dengan orang ataupon mangsa mangsa yang terlibat secara langsung dengan musibah banjir lepas.
2. Bebas Ubat Depresi .
yang mana tahu.. tahun 2020 tu banyak benda sedih dan down yang Cik Purple kena lalui.. banyak pengajaran, banyak kesakitan yang Cik Purple tanggung. hingga Cik Purple dapatkan rawatan pakar untuk sakit.. and unfortunately been diagnosed for MDD (Major Depression DIsorder) and kena consume ubat depresi.. Efek yang Cik Purple dapat daripada consume ubat depresi tu kadang-kadang buat Ck Purple hilang kawalan pada diri... termenung, lemau, tak nak bersosial.. and alhamdulillah, tahun 2022 chenta dapat lepas daripada teruskan makan ubat depresi. i have a little bit control about myself.
walaupon tahun 2022 tak adalah seindah mana sangat. but, i try to avoid telan ubat. ye la.. dah memang naturely diri ni benci ubat.. tak reti telan ubat pil.. jadi bila kena makan tu.. terasa macam teruk sangat dah rasa dia.. walaupon relapse balik sakit ni.. and kadang-kadang berada diluar kawalan.. i try my best tuk kawal sebaik mana yang boleh.
3. With Friends
alhamdulillah juga.. 2022 ni Cik Purple dapat luangkan masa buat macam-macam aktiviti dengan kawan-kawan. dari lepak sesaja.. bersukan.. trip makan makan... bercuti.. i have fun. syukur juga kawan-kawan ada dengan Cik Purple walaupon tahu diri ni tak sempurna. kadang-kadang drama drama cuplikan tu terbit... tapi.. alhamdulillah.. syukur mereka masih ada.
In 1926, British wizard and "magizoologist" Newton "Newt" Scamander arrives in New York City. He observes Mary Lou Barebone, the non-magical ("No-Maj" or "Muggle") head of the New Salem Philanthropic Society, preaching that witches and wizards are real and dangerous. Attempting to recapture a Niffler that escaped from his suitcase of magical creatures, Newt meets No-Maj Jacob Kowalski, an aspiring baker, and they unwittingly swap suitcases. Porpentina "Tina" Goldstein, a demoted Auror of the Magical Congress of the United States (MACUSA), arrests Newt for breaking magical law. Since the suitcase in his possession only contains Jacob's baked goods, Newt is released. At home, Jacob opens Newt's suitcase, inadvertently freeing several creatures into the city.
After Tina and Newt find Jacob and the suitcase, Tina takes them to her apartment and introduces them to Queenie, her Legilimens sister. Jacob and Queenie are mutually attracted, though American wizards are forbidden to have any contact with No-Majs. Newt takes Jacob inside his suitcase, magically expanded to house various creatures including an Obscurial, a parasite that develops inside magically gifted children when their abilities are suppressed; those afflicted rarely live past the age of ten.
Graves approaches Credence, Mary Lou's adult adopted son, and offers to free him from his abusive mother in exchange for helping to find the Obscurial causing destruction throughout the city. Credence finds a wand under his adopted sister Modesty's bed, which Mary Lou assumes is his; when Credence is about to be punished, the Obscurial kills Mary Lou and her eldest daughter Chastity. Graves, assuming Modesty is the Obscurus' host, dismisses Credence as a Squib and refuses to teach him magic as he had promised in return for service. Credence reveals he is the real host, having survived due to the intensity of his magic, and attacks the city in broad daylight.
Graves approaches Credence, Mary Lou's adult adopted son, and offers to free him from his abusive mother in exchange for helping to find the Obscurial causing destruction throughout the city. Credence finds a wand under his adopted sister Modesty's bed, which Mary Lou assumes is his; when Credence is about to be punished, the Obscurial kills Mary Lou and her eldest daughter Chastity. Graves, assuming Modesty is the Obscurus' host, dismisses Credence as a Squib and refuses to teach him magic as he had promised in return for service. Credence reveals he is the real host, having survived due to the intensity of his magic, and attacks the city in broad daylight.
kalau ada for her... tak sah kalau first collection tak ada for him
kita kena adil.. kan..
dark knight (for him)
✿ aromatic fougere
✿ notch yang korang akan bau : vanilla, aromatic, green
✿ top notes : mint, green apple, lemon
✿ middle notes : tonka beans, ambroxan, geranium
✿ base notes : madagascar vanilla, vetiver, virginian cedar, atlas cedar, oakmoss
rm 39.00
Hello Luvmaniacs,
hari tu Cik Purple ada share yang chenta ada keluarkan satu rangkaian wangian.
yang brand dia Cik Purple namakan Anahera..
dan nama pon rangkaian wangian..
salah satu yang paling dekat dengan Cik Purple adalah perfume.
dan ini adalah salah satu range wangian dibawah jenama Anahera
white angel
white angel (for her)
✿ amber vanilla
✿ notch yang korang akan bau : vanilla, coffee, sweet
✿ top notes : pear , pink pepper, orange blossom
✿ middle notes : coffee, jasmine, bitter almond, licorice
✿ base notes : vanilla, patchoili, cedar, cashmere wood
harga : RM 39.00
“Dan Kami telah menganugerahkan kepadanya sebahagian rahmat Kami, iaitu saudaranya, Harun menjadi seorang nabi.”
“Dan saudaraku Harun, dia lebih fasih lidahnya daripadaku, maka utuslah dia bersamaku sebagai pembantuku untuk membenarkan (perkataan) ku, sesungguhnya aku khuatir mereka akan berdusta.”